A friend of mine feels very justifiably embittered by reality's failure to adhere to the societal propaganda of the day. Like most of the "sheeple" she fell for the hype about eating "right," exercising, and all the rest of the drivel that goes with it, and obeyed unwaveringly, confident in her belief that all would be well accordingly. So why now does she have a series of pre-cancerous eruptions ongoing? She understandably feels betrayed.

            Well, I could have warned her, decades ago, when she dedicated herself to these fads, but she would not have believed me, and would have gone right on in blind faith.

            Yes, Virginia, science has all the answers, but the problem is that we pathetic humans don't have all the science. Not even a decent fraction of it. Maybe in a few million (or billion) years we will have all of it, but that's only if we get the gumption to survive the demise of our own solar system in about 4.5 billion years, and thus have the time to parse it all out, bit by bit. Today's primitive version of "science" fails to take into account all of the genetic differences that make an activity good for one person and extremely bad for another. Nor does it compensate for the wishy-washy "now eggs are good for they're not" back-and-forth ad nauseum that has gone on my entire life, and not just in regard to eggs, either; that's only one example.

            Meanwhile, think of all of the enjoyment of which she deprived herself, during the only life that we can know for sure that we have.

            Did you know that if you replace potato chips with grapefruit for your snack, you can eliminate 90% of the joy from your life?

            Point made.